Friday, 26 October 2012

Canadian Seal Cull

Prevent a massive cull of grey seals

Click on picture or heading above to sign a petition to stop the Canadian Senate culling 1000's of seals!!!

I am a whole hearted follower of many conservation pages on facebook. Hundreds of people put in vast amounts of effort to communicate many terrible occurances to animals across our planet , always due to human activity. Some of these occur through ignorance, some through greed and some through various cultures. I just don't get though how a developed, relatively rich and technologically advanced country can come to the conclusion that butchering thousands of seals is a solution? Even when scientists and experts are telling them not to?? Even when they still allow boats to go out and take every last fish out of the sea? I am apauled at the humans involved in even suggesting this. I wonder how many of them would support something like the slaughter of dolphins in Japan or the Shark Fin industry, or perhaps whaling?? I bet it would be the minority if any, but seals oh no seals they need to be culled because they eat all our fish, even if it was us humans who took a wopping 70% out of the sea in the first place!!! ggrrrrrrrrrr! it makes me so cross! ok rant over x x

more information :o( :o(

A prayer and a wish for the dolphins of Taiji and The Cove Guardians

Cover photo

This is really a very difficult page to follow as every night there are photos of the boats going out to hunt for dolphins and I know that in the morning their profile pic will either be blue or red. I find myself saying a dolphin prayer every night and I am not even religious??

Please check out my website for Trek Cornwall 2013 and my quest to raise awareness of North Atlantic Grey Seals and their conservation.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Helford River Kayak Clean Up

Below is a flyer for my latest event, I am really looking forward to this, plus it will be a really good insite into where we need to focus our energy!!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Trek Cornwall 2013 planned route

This is my planned route for the trek, I just need to calculate distances and plan my days now!!!

for previous posts  about my trek please see

I got published :o)

Volunteers were asked to write something for the Helford VMCA newsletter. I thought I would write a thank you letter and it got published!! yey :o)

When the newsletter arrived it was mainly filled with very informative articles about recent events and scientific findings, non the less there on the back was my rather different peice trying to point out why we all do the work we do - I just hope it worked??

June was a very wet affair with very little opportunity to get outside without donning a full set of waterproofs or an umbrella.  It was a lovely surprise one afternoon when collecting my children from school to feel warm rays of sunshine hitting my cheek, an almost unfamiliar sensation. I quickly called some friends and within minutes it was arranged to meet at Tremayne Quay for a fire and some supper.  Half expecting the weather to disappoint us I put the children in welly boots and packed coats along with a large picnic fit for an army platoon.
I love the walk to ‘The Quay’ and today was even more beautiful than usual, the relentless rain had made the woodlands’ various shades of green almost luminous, throwing colour out like an oil painting. It was a real treat to see various wild flowers blooming with colour, some still with rain drops glistening in the sun as it beamed through the canopy.
On arrival a fire was prepared and after a cool dip in the sparkling still waters of ‘The River’ we all tucked into a tasty fire cooked meal of sausages, corn on the cob and vegetable kebabs. As we sat quietly devouring the food we watched others making the most of the sunny spell, kayakers and other watercraft pootled up and down the river, leaving a trail of ripples which lapped onto the beaches as it reached the shores.
You are probably wondering why I am writing an article of such an ordinary affaire which many of us are lucky enough to regularly participate along various locations of the river or coast. My answer is that due to the weather preventing this from occurring as frequently as usual I felt overwhelmed at how fortunate we are. I often take The Helford River for granted but not only do we have such wonderful places to spend our free time, we are also lucky to have people who care enough to look after it.  So thank you to all the volunteers and members of the HMCG and also other organisations who contribute, making our river one of the most beautiful places in Cornwall.
Please, if you feel you have any free time available to volunteer for the HMCG please email…………….there are many ways in which you can help and we have various opportunities available. We look forward to hearing from you.



I hope you like it??

Trek Cornwall 2013

No I haven't forgotten this and I am currently trying to compose a website so I can receive sponsorship money but also pass information on about the charities I am doing it for, a training plan and of course information about Grey Seal Conservation. So watch this space for a link soon.

I am planning on doing a three day trial in a few weeks time and then I can estimate how long it will take me and what equipment I need etc.... I plan to take a a little seal around with me so I can photograph him at various locations en route. Oh I am so excited to be doing this and for such an important cause! I think Grey Seals are wonderful ambassadors for all local marine creatures as many of the plights they face also effect other species. I feel under pressure from myself to raise as much as I possibly can!!


Windmill Farm

On a recent trip to windmill farm on the Lizard I managed to get a few shots I was very happy with!!

 The place is absolutely filled with wildlife and usually very quiet. I spent an hour in the hide watching a couple of buzzards hunting for their tea but with no success - atleast not while I was there?? If you are passing I reccomend a visit, it is free and really very lovely :o)

Windmill Farm, Lizard


Some old pics I found

 A wintery walk on the cliffs last year................
I have been looking through my hard drive of pictures from last year and came across this collection. They were taken last half term when we had friends to stay so I got in the photo myself for a change :o)
The children patiently waiting for the picture to be taken

yes he did get wet :o)

Elizabeth looking rather fresh faced - I remember it was rather chilly

The local mountain goats

Wintery Sunset

The Isles of Scilly

Earlier this year I visited Bryher one of the Isles of Scilly off the South Western tip of Cornwall they are one of the most beautiful places on Earth and we are very lucky to live so close by!!
Some friends and I enjoying the beautiful and wild scenery as the sun was setting
We found some beach art which people have been adding to - it seems to work as this was the cleanest beach on the island!!
The various spring vegetation was blooming with colour and softened the harsh granite formed archipelagos.


I hope to visit again very soon! 

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

The Rubbish problem with marine litter!!!

The other day I went to checkout another little pup for British Divers Marine Life Rescue, what I saw reminded me of this image I saved on my computer but sadly don't know who came up with it or else I would link to it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Like most Marine Animals marine plastics and litter have a rather negative effect on Seals
These scars around the seals necks are caused by nets and rope getting caught around the seal as it is growing. Sadly they soon grow into it and it cuts right into its flesh. Some seals live like this throughout their life with great open wounds which are extremely painful. If a seal is lucky the net or rope will eventually break but they still wear terrible scars showing what the have had to endure!!

When I got to the little pup on the beach it was surrounded by harmful debris.............
The pup totally unaware of any danger used the litter as a toy.

Today I went there and saw this.....
Luckily the pup was on the other side of the beach!!
 For more info

Sunday, 14 October 2012


A new pup

I recieved a call this afternoon from BDMLR as someone had reported a pup in distress at a local cove. There had been a big fat weaned pup still with its white coat only a few days ago and I was very worried it was in difficulties.
Once I arrived at the cove it became clear there was a much smaller different pup there who looked from its umbilicas to be between 3 - 6 days old. I climbed down to assess the little creature who lay quite still on the beach. It is imortant to observe theses pups from a distance and where possible not go down to the beach altogether. However I wanted to be sure it was ok so hid behind a boulder and used  camera zoom to take a closer look.
The pup seemed fine with no injuries, my main concern being the tide line it had chosen to lay in was littered with plastic debris. I felt very upset watching the little seal curl up on a plastic bag surrounded by bottles, netting and other items which could potentially harm many types of wildlife.
As I hid I spotted a female seal watching off the beach so quietly snuck back to the cliff top to observe her behavior. She was continually looking back at the beach some times swimming into the breakers to get a better view. This is what you would expect a mum to do but for confirmation I hooed she would haul out and feed the pup.

Unfortunately this is as far as she got and very quickly turned and charged back into the sea to resume her watch from a distance. I am very very sure she is mum but to be certain I will go back tomorrow to hopefully see her feed the little pup.
Some of the folks from the seal sanctuary joined me a little later and agreed it was best to leave them to it and come back tomorrow.

Friday, 12 October 2012

The Boats remind me of my favorite Poem................
The Owl and the Pussycat went to sea
In a beautiful pea-green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,
Wrapped up in a five pound note.
The Owl looked up to the stars above,
And sang to a small guitar,
"O lovely Pussy! O Pussy, my love,
What a beautiful Pussy you are, you are, you are,
What a beautiful Pussy you are."
Pussy said to the Owl "You elegant fowl,
How charmingly sweet you sing.
O let us be married, too long we have tarried;
But what shall we do for a ring?"
They sailed away, for a year and a day,
To the land where the Bong-tree grows,
And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood
With a ring at the end of his nose, his nose, his nose,
With a ring at the end of his nose.
"Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling your ring?"
Said the Piggy, "I will"
So they took it away, and were married next day
By the Turkey who lives on the hill.
They dined on mince, and slices of quince,
Which they ate with a runcible spoon.
And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand.
They danced by the light of the moon, the moon, the moon,
They danced by the light of the moon.
The Owl......
and the Pussy Cats.....................??

This is Winkle and Kelp the cats who rule our house! Winkle (left) is a loving, cuddly cat and Kelp  (right) her sister is much more independant! They have lived with us since January this year when they moved from the local animal rescue centre. We love them both very much and they complete our little family :o)

Beautiful Classics in Douarnenez

In the Summer we visited a beautiful old town in Brittany which is twinned with Falmouth in Cornwall. Below are a few pictures of a very small percent of the wonderful old boats we saw out sailing.